Home/Features/Adventure FlyingFeaturesMid-Atlantic Air Museum’s WWII Weekend: Picture 4MAAMDouglas R4D in a “WWII maintenance corral.” Back tothumbnails Editorial StaffUpdated Jun 13, 2019 9:47 PM EDTShare this storyMAAMDouglas R4D in a "WWII maintenance corral."Back tothumbnailsShare this storyEditorial StaffAVwebRelated StoriesFeaturesBack in the Saddle AgainJim WolperFeaturesNASA FormsJim WolperFeaturesLast Week’s Poll Results: Leave It To The ExpertsEditorial StaffFeaturesTraining for FairytalesMac LawlerFeaturesShort Final: Man Of Few WordsEditorial StaffFeaturesLast Week’s Poll Results: Spotty InternetEditorial Staff