Question of the Week
Lycoming engines — again. This week, AVweb wants to know if owners should have to pay to replace suspect crankshafts built into their engines. PLUS: Results of our pre-Sun-‘n-Fun question about expensive missile defense initiatives for airliners.
Before we left for Sun 'n Fun, AVweb polled readers on the possibility of implementing a missile defense system to protect airliners.
We asked if the threat justified such an expensive defense strategy, and most of our readership said no. 42% of you answered with a flat-out no, while another 47% qualified their response by choosing Morally, yes. Financially and statistically, no.
A small but noteworthy 11% of readers, however, said yes.
Lycoming engines - again. Should owners have to pay to replace suspect crankshafts built into their engines?
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