Question of the Week

If all aircraft are products of compromise and the balance of those compromises determines an aircraft’s market, we’re going to make this very difficult. What’s the most important feature of your desired aircraft? This week, we’d like to you look at our list of choices and tell us which is your number one consideration. PLUS: What types of planes are AVweb readers looking to purchase?


Last week, AVweb asked what type of plane (realistically) our readers mightconsider buying in the near future.

Your answers ran the entire gamut from LSAs to fractional ownerships, butclearly the most popular option is purchasing a used, fully-certified aircraft.That choice accounted for 39% of all readers who took the survey, while thesecond largest group of respondents (15%) said they were planning to build theirown experimental aircraft.

How did LSAs, ultralights, and other aircraft types rank?
For real-time results of last week's question,click here.


If all aircraft are products of compromise and the balance of thosecompromises determines an aircraft's market, we're going to make this verydifficult. What's the most important feature of your desired aircraft?

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