Question of the Week

Starting this week, our “Question of the Week” will remain open for only seven days – from Thursday morning to the following Wednesday. After Wednesday, we’ll close the polling to make way for a new weekly question. (You’ll still be able to view the poll results in our archive, even after a “QOTW” expires.) Our first question under the new system: Heavy iron and big bucks – are professional pilots overpaid? PLUS: Results of last week’s question on preparedness and unorthodox landings.

AnswerThis Week's Question | Resultsof Last Week's Question


Last week, AVweb asked about your level of emergency preparedness: Wewanted to know how many of you have landed on non-traditional surfaces - grass,dirt, water, and the like.

As it turns out, a full 55% of those who responded have landed ongrass. At the other end of the spectrum, 14% of you said you'd neverlanded on anything but tarmac

How did the other 31% of AVweb readers answer? For the final resultsof last week's question, clickhere.


Starting this week, our "Question of the Week" will remain open for onlyseven days - from Thursday morning to the following Wednesday. AfterWednesday, we'll close the polling to make way for a new weekly question.(You'll still be able to view the poll results in our archive, even after a"QOTW" expires.)

First Question under the new polling system:

Heavy iron and big bucks - are professional pilots overpaid?
Clickhere to share your opinion

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions to

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