Question of the Week
This week, AVweb wants to know what you think of Cessna’s “Cirrus Killer.” If it’s for real and offers similar bang for the buck when compared with Cirrus (or Columbia or Turbo-Mooney aircraft), what’s your reaction?PLUS: Results of last week’s question on the most exciting G.A. stories of the year.
There's been no shortage of exciting developments in general aviation this year. As we approach the mid-point of 2006, AVweb asked our readers which continuing story or product-in-development is generating the most excitement.
Our answers were evenly split, with one exception: Diamond's D-Jet excited only 48 AVweb readers - accounting for a somewhat-small 10% of the responses to date.
On the other end of the spectrum, the FAA's ongoing struggle with ADS-B garnered the most votes. 24% of respondents cited this as the most exciting ongoing news story in general aviation right now.
23% awarded that honor to the ongoing strife between the FAA and NATCA.
22% were most excited by the promise of a "Cirrus Killer" from Cessna.
And the remaining 21% of respondents are looking forward to Cessna's entry into the realm of Light Sport Aircraft.
For real-time results of last week's question, click here.
This week, AVweb wants to know what you think of Cessna's "Cirrus Killer." If it's for real and offers similar bang for the buck when compared with Cirrus (or Columbia or Turbo-Mooney aircraft), what's your reaction?
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