Question of the Week: Aircraft Delays and Fines
The Department of Transportation stepped in where Congress has so far feared to tread this week and levied large fines against three airlines involved in keeping a regional jet full of passengers on the small aircraft overnight last August. Is that the way to improve customer service? Plus: Last week, we asked if the TSA’s interest in repair stations as a potential security threat is warranted; click through to read what AVweb readers had to say on the subject.
Last week, we asked if the TSA's interest in repair stations as a potential security threat is warranted.
An overwhelming majority of readers who responded (62% of you) said it's just more paperwork and expense for businesses who are already barely making it.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
The Department of Transportation stepped in where Congress has so far feared to tread this week and levied large fines against three airlines involved in keeping a regional jet full of passengers on the small aircraft overnight last August. Is that the way to improve customer service?
Should airlines be fined for long ramp delays?
(click to answer)
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