Question of the Week: Are You Hearing Evidence of the Controller Shortage on Your Radio?
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association maintains that ATC services and safety are at risk due to controller staffing issues. Have you recently noticed increased denial of VFR flight-following services or fewer accommodations for practice approaches? Tell us. PLUS: The landslide results of last week’s Question, “Is G.A. paying its fair share in fuel taxes?”
With gas taxes and possible user fees up for consideration this year, a lot of people are starting to wonder aloud whether general aviation aircraft put enough tax dollars into the system to compensate for the resources they use. Last week, we put the question to AVweb readers: Does G.A. pay its fair share in taxes?
We expected a pretty negative response to the question, but we weren't quite prepared for this number: Only 4% ofAVweb readers said No, fuel taxes do not cover G.A.'s impact on the airspace system!
To see how the other 96% of our readers responded, click here.
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association maintains that ATC services and safety are at risk due to controller staffing issues. Have you recently noticed increased denial of VFR flight-following services or fewer accommodations for practice approaches? Tell us.
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