Question of the Week: Are You Ready for an Electric Plane?
With alternative power, fuel efficiency, and the environmental footprint on everyone’s mind, we’re all starting to think tomorrow’s aircraft may look and feel a little different from what we’re used to. This week, we want to hear what you think about electric aircraft. Plus: Did AVweb readers do anything special to celebrate Earth Day last week?
Last week, we asked if AVweb readers did anything out of the ordinary (aviation-wise) to celebrate Earth Day.
18% of those who answered told us they abstained from flying, while the plurality of you (36% in our poll) felt that aviation is such a minor contributor to environmental problems, I don't worry about it.
For the complete breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
With alternative power, fuel efficiency, and the environmental footprint on everyone's mind, we're all starting to think tomorrow's aircraft may look and feel a little different from what we're used to. This week, we want to hear what you think about electric aircraft.
Would you consider an electric-powered airplane?
(Click to answer.)
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