Question of the Week: Aviation Stimulus Money – If It Comes, Where Should It Go?
Times are tough, and money is tight – but everyone knows there are plenty of projects that need tackling in the aviation world. If the newly-unified aviation industry succeeds in getting federal spending for aviation infrastructure, what should be the first priority? Plus: Last week, we asked AVweb readers if 2009 might be the year they take the plunge and buy a light airplane; click through to read what they told us.
Last week, we asked AVweb readers if 2009 might be the year they take the plunge and buy a light airplane. Despite the prevailing economic indicators, the most popular answer was Yes, something nice but pre-owned. (That choice accounted for 38% of responses.) Perhaps there's a silver lining in all these clouds, at least for the aftermarket.
We should note, however, that our second most popular answer was No, because I can't afford it.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
(Some of you wrote to tell us that we should have listed the recession or the bizjet brouhaha among our choices - and maybe we should, but both seemed to be somewhat in-progress at the time we thought up the question.)
Times are tough, and money is tight - but everyone knows there are plenty of projects that need tackling in the aviation world. We may have to re-shuffle priorities soon, and AVweb is curious what you think should be at the top of the list.
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