Question of the Week: Cessna’s LSA and You
AVweb wants to know how news of a Light Sport Aircraft from Cessna is affecting our readers. Are you reconsidering the Pilot revoltion? Or is LSA something that just doesn’t affect you? PLUS: Results of last week’s Question, “What’s Your Reason to Attend AirVenture?”
Oshkosh was the town on everyone's lips last week. There are plenty of reasons to attend, but in the lead-up to EAA's big show, we asked AVweb readers to chime in and tell us their reasons for wanting to attend AirVenture.
Most of you (37% of those who responded) said you wanted to see what's new - a reason that's near and dear to our hearts, as that's the primary reason we fly out to Oshkosh every summer.
Beyond that, your votes were split pretty evenly among the many reasons one might want to attend - educational talks and seminars, spectacular air shows, seeing old friends and meeting new ones, and (of course) gawking at warbirds!
17% of you, however, said you planned (or hoped) to attend for some other reason entirely ... .
For real-time results of last week's question,click here.
Cessna's LSA. What effect has Cessna's possible entry had on your feelings about purchasing a Light Sport Aircraft?
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