Question of the Week: Commercial Hiring Requirements at Regional Airlines
Regional airlines are currently struggling to fill new-hire classes, and some are being hired as first officers with the bare minimum of a commercial license with multi-engine and instrument ratings, meaning they could have as little as 250 hours TT. What should be the minimum qualifications for a regional airline new-hire pilot? Click here to answer. Plus: Click through to find out how AVweb readers felt about the FAA’s new internet-based WINGS revamp.
Last week, AVweb solicited reader opinions on the FAA's revamped, internet-based WINGS program.
The largest segment of those readers who chose to answer our question were on the fence about "WINGS 2.0": 34% of you said you might try one or two of the online courses before making up your minds. By contrast, another 27% of you applauded the change, saying it's time WINGS was brought into the Information Age.
A complete breakdown of the responses can be viewed here.
(You may be asked to register an answer, if you haven't already.)
Regional airlines are currently struggling to fill new-hire classes, and some are being hired as first officers with the bare minimum of a commercial license with multi-engine and instrument ratings, meaning they could have as little as 250 hours TT.
What should be the minimum qualifications for a regional airline new-hire pilot?
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