Question of the Week: Earth Day, As Seen from the Skies
If you’re able to read AVweb, we can safely assume you’ve heard about Earth Day and all the new ways to conserve, recycle, and take a little better care of our environment that came out of this year’s celebration – and if you’ve heard about it, there’s even a chance you actually did something about it. Plus: Find out what AVweb readers had to say about synthetic vision technology in last week’s Question.
Last week, we asked AVweb readers what they make of the new wave of synthetic vision technologies.
Fully half of those who responded to our survey called SVT a nice-to-have addition to the panel and said they plan (or hope) to integrate it into their cockpit eventually. Another 27% of you said you'd buy it in a minute. And only 5% of those who answered our poll called SVT just a gimmick.
For the complete breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
If you're able to read AVweb, we can safely assume you've heard about Earth Day and all the new ways to conserve, recycle, and take a little better care of our environment that came out of this year's celebration - and if you've heard about it, there's even a chance you actually did something about it. This week we'd like to know if (aviation-wise) you did anything to mark Earth Day.
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