Question of the Week: Flying into IMC

This week, AVweb wants to know how much risk our instrument-rated pilots shoulder. Tell us: Do you ever fly single-engine piston airplanes into solid IMC? Plus: Will the shift of power from Republicans to Democrats in both houses of Congress affect the push for user fees? Find out what AVweb readers thought of the possibility when we put the question to them last week.


Last week, with mid-term elections in U.S. fresh on our minds, weasked whether readers thought the dramatic shift of power fromRepublicans to Democrats in both houses of Congress might thwart thestrong push for user fees in the upcoming FAA reauthorization bill.

The largest segment of our respondents (44%) thought that yes,this did bode ill for user fees - but the rest of you were split almostevenly between saying no, this won't affect the drive for user feesand I'm not sure.

For the complete breakdown of last week's poll answers,click here.


This week, AVweb wants to know how much risk our instrument-ratedpilots are willing to shoulder. Tell us: Do you ever flysingle-engine piston airplanes into solid IMC?

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