Question of the Week: How Many IMC Hours Do You Log Each Year?
This week, AVweb wants to know how much flying our instrument-rated readers are packing into each year. Plus: Results of last week’s Question on how the major airlines might fare under more government regulation.
Last week, an AVweb reader wondered whether increased government regulation might actually be good for the major airlines, suggesting that it could provide a more stable path to profit and viability.
AVweb readers on the whole seemed to disagree. A full 36% of those who responded to last week's question felt the basic premise was flawed - and another 34% disagreed outright. The result was a very tight three-way split among AVweb readership - those who agreed that government regulation could help, those who disagree entirely, and those who think we were barking up the wrong tree with our question.
View real-time results and breakdowns of last week's QOTW pollhere.
Instrument-rated pilots: How many hours of time, in actual IMC, do you log each year?
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