Question of the Week: How Much Is Too Much for AvFuel?

Fuel prices toppped $7 a gallon in Detroit earlier this week, and the U.S. average for 100LL is currently sitting at $5.54/gallon according to our own Fuel Finder. This week, we want to know where (and if) you draw the line at paying for ever more expensive fuel. Plus: See what type of instrument panel AVweb readers rated their favorite in response to last week’s Question.


Last week, we asked a question originally put to us by AVweb reader Brett Friermood: "What's your favorite type of instrument panel?" Answers vary a bit around the AVweb offices, but reader preferences are pretty clear, with 55% of you chiming in to say you prefer a nice assortment of steam gauges with a GPS display.

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


Fuel prices toppped $7 a gallon in Detroit earlier this week, and the U.S. average for 100LL is currently sitting at $5.54/gallon according to our own Fuel Finder. This week, we want to know where (and if) you draw the line at paying for ever more expensive fuel.

At what fuel price (if any) would you quit flying?
(Click the link, then choose the answer that's closest to your personal limit.)

Have an idea for a new "Question of the Week"? Send your suggestions to.

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