Question of the Week: Is AFSS Consolidation Affecting the Quality of Your Weather Briefings?

Now that automated flight service station (AFSS) consolidation has started in earnest under contractor Lockheed Martin, have you noticed any changes in aviation weather briefing quality? Plus: If Toyota were to make a, um, “ToyotaCraft” – what type of G.A. aircraft should it be?


Now that HondaJet is a reality, speculation has run rampant that Honda competitor Toyota might one day (soon?) enter the general aviation market.

Last week, AVweb asked readers what segment of G.A. they most thought could use a Toyota product - singles? twins? turboprops? LSA?  While some readers (22% of those who responded) thought Toyota was most likely to introduce a light sport aircraft, an overwhelming majority of you thought the hypothetical Toyotacraft would be a four- to five-place piston single.

(For a complete breakdown of answers, click here.)


Now that automated flight service station (FSS) consolidation has started in earnest under contractor Lockheed Martin, have you noticed any changes in aviation weather briefing quality?

Please feel free to e-mail us to explain your answer.

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