Question of the Week: Is ‘Little Guy’ G.A. Paying His Fair Share in Gas Taxes?

A typical single-engine piston airplane burns about 10 gph, which translates to $1.94 per operating hour in federal fuel taxes. Double these amounts for a light piston twin. Given these contributions, do you think that light aircraft operators are “paying their fair share” for use of the airspace system (airport infrastructure, ATC services, etc.)? Tell us what you think. Plus: Your thoughts about the end of the Age-60 era.


Last week, AVweb asked readers what they thought of the FAA's decision to increase mandatory retirement age from 60 to 65.

Of the readers who chimed in, 43% said they approved of the change, but they'd be even happier if the FAA would abandon arbitrary age restrictions entirely and just rely on pilots' medical condition and proficiency to determine when they should retire.

At the other end of the spectrum, 10% of respondents felt that aviation medical exams are not comprehensive enough to allow for such a risk.

For a more detailed breakdown of what our readers thought (and to view the answers chosen by the other 47% of our poll population), click here.


A typical single-engine piston airplane burns about 10 gph, which translates to $1.94 per operating hour in federal fuel taxes. Double these amounts for a light piston twin.

Given these contributions, do you think that light aircraft operators are "paying their fair share" for use of the airspace system (airport infrastructure, ATC services, etc.)?

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