Question of the Week: Learning to Fly on the Internet? (Really?)

Eighteen-year-old alleged serial burglar Colton Harris Moore is suspected in the theft and semi-successful landings of three pretty advanced airplanes (two 182s and a brand-new, decked-out SR22). Authorities say he learned to fly online. Do you buy it? Plus: Last week, we asked if Congress should be pushing harder to pass an FAA reauthorization bill; click through to read what AVweb readers had to say on the subject.


Last week, we asked if Congress should be pushing harder to pass an FAA reauthorization bill.

Answers varied widely, but the plurality of you agreed with the admonition careful what you wish for; the final form of the bill may be a lot worse than what we have now. (That option accounted for 40% of responses.)

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


Eighteen-year-old alleged serial burglar Colton Harris Moore is suspected in the theft and semi-successful landings of three pretty advanced airplanes (two 182s and a brand-new, decked-out SR22). Authorities say he learned to fly online. Do you buy it?

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