Question of the Week: New York City’s VFR Corridor Over the East River

This week, AVweb wants to hear your opinion on New York City’s “VFR corridor” over the East River. Plus: How many hours did AVweb readers log with an instructor over the last 12 months?


Last week, in our continuing effort to get a better picture of how much time AVweb readers spend in the skies, we asked how many hours you've logged with an instructor over the last 12 months.

Even allowing for simulator time, it seems it wasn't much - 46% of those who responded said they'd spent just four hours (or less) flying with an instructor since October 2005.

Only 9% of AVweb readers told us they had logged 40 or more hours with an instructor.

What about the rest of our readers?
View the complete breakdown of last week's poll answershere.


Should New York's East River "VFR corridor" be kept open?

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