Question of the Week: Next Up for Bid – Jet Pack Flights

New Zealand inventor Glenn Martin is launching his jetpack business with an eBay auction for the right to be the first member of the public to fly the machine. What’s that worth to you? Plus: Last week, we asked AVweb readers if they were personally contributing to the spike in air show attendance reported by ICAS (the International Council of Air Shows). Click through to see how many air shows your fellow readers have attended so far this year.


Last week, we asked AVweb readers if they were personally contributing to the spike in air show attendance reported by ICAS (the International Council of Air Shows).

45% of those who took a moment to answer told us they'd attended one or two shows so far this year. Only 4% of you have made it to more than five shows. And a sad-face-inducing 34% said you'd attended none. :(

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


New Zealand inventor Glenn Martin is launching his jetpack business with an eBay auction for the right to be the first member of the public to fly the machine. What's that worth to you?

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