Question of the Week: Repair Stations as a Security Concern
The TSA has announced plans to impose stricter security requirements on FAA-certificated repair stations in the U.S. and in other countries. This week, we’d like readers to gauge the security threat posed by repair stations. Plus: Last week, we asked if some historic aircraft are just too rare and historically precious to be flown by groups like the Commemoraitve Air Force; click through to find out where AVweb readers stand on the issue.
Last week, we asked if historic aircraft should be flown by groups like the Commemorative Air Force - or if some one-of-a-kind birds are just too rare for the air.
Most of the readers who took a moment to answer thought historic aircraft should be flown - 31% of you offering no restrictions and another 33% saying pilot qualifications, weather, and safety-of-flight issues should be squarely at the forefront. (11% of you said such flights should be limited to special occasions to keep them in flying condition, but no more.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
The TSA has announced plans to impose stricter security requirements on FAA-certificated repair stations in the U.S. and in other countries. This week, we'd like readers to gauge the security threat posed by repair stations.
How big a security threat are repair stations?
(click to answer)
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