Question of the Week: Safety, Jobs, Money, Power – What’s at the Root of the Current Crisis in ATC?

This week, AVweb invites you to speculate on the root cause of the the current air traffic control crisis. Safety, jobs, money, power – which do you think is really behind the air traffic control dilemma? PLUS: Results of last week’s Question on runway responsibility.


"Runway responsibility" has been a common phrase in the wake of therecentComair crash. Last week, AVweb asked who ultimately shouldersthe burden of responsibility for such mistakes.

Not surprisingly, a whopping 69% of AVweb readers who answered ourpoll said the burden rests squarely on the shoulders of the pilot incommand.

Other respondents chose to take a different view of the situation.
Click here for real-time results of last week's question.


"Runway responsibility" has been a common phrase in the wake of therecentComair crash. Last week, AVweb asked who (ultimat

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