Question of the Week: Security at Your Airport
AVweb has recently run two stories in which aircraft were tampered with or parts were stolen. Programs like Airport Watch work well when there are people around. This week, we’d like to know how you rate the night security at your airport. Plus: See how many single-engine personal jets AVweb readers think will be around in ten years’ time.
With more and more "personal jets" in the offing, we're starting to wonder if this is the start of a new era for GA or just another short-lived trend. Last week, we looked to AVweb readers for predictions, asking how many single-engine jets you think will be available in ten years' time.
Nearly half of you (45% of those who responded) said there would be at least two casualties among the six that have already been announced. Only 3% predicted that all six would capture and hold a solid market niche.
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
AVweb has recently run two stories in which aircraft were tampered with or parts were stolen. Programs like Airport Watch work well when there are people around. We'd like to know how you rate the night security at your airport.
Click here to tell us how secure your airport is.
(Click to answer.)
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