Question of the Week: The FAA vs. NATCA – Who’s Telling the Truth (or More of It) about the Controller Crisis?
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) and the FAA for months have been trading barbs about controller staffing, hiring, and retirement. Do you believe NATCA, which says there is a controller crisis looming – or do you believe the FAA, which says that it is staffing facilities to traffic and has adequately planned for hiring and retirements? Plus: The results of last week’s popular “vote” to replace Marion Blakey as FAA Administrator when she steps down in September.
Last week, AVweb pointed out that Marion Blakey's tenure asFAA Administrator is scheduled to end in three short months and askedwho might make a good replacement.
This proved to be a popular question, drawing more than 5,000 votesover the weekend and even (temporarily) breaking our vote-countingscript. When the dust had settled (and even before, to be honest),former NATCA president John Carr led the pack. AOPA President PhilBoyer and Blakey herself drew significant support in our "mockelection," but those union guys can really get out the vote, and Carrpulled in more than 80% of our readers' responses.
We also receivedmore than a few e-mails offering up other candidates whom we didn't list - everyone from Boeing's Neil Planzer to Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Barker, including our own Kevin Garrison ("CEO of the FAA"?).
A complete breakdown of the responses can be viewed here.
(You may be asked to register an answer, if you haven't already.)
The National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA)and the FAA for months have been trading barbs about controllerstaffing, hiring, and retirement. Do you believe NATCA, which says thereis a controller crisis looming - or do you believe the FAA, which saysthat it is staffing facilities to traffic and has adequately planned forhiring and retirements?
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