Question of the Week: The Future of 100LL
With avgas prices rising and technology moving forward, we’re starting to hear a lot of doom-and-gloom predictions for the future of 100 low-lead. This week, we want to know your opinion on the matter: How long do you think 100LL will be available? Plus: Find out which boogeyman AVweb readers rated the most threatening in last week’s Question, fuel prices or user fees.
Last week, we passed the buck and asked AVweb readers a question that was put to us by one of you, AVweb reader Steve Allen: Which is the bigger threat to general aviation - user fees or fuel prices?
Given the current state of our Fuel Finder, where 100LL prices have risen 84 since the beginning of the year, we weren't surprised by your answers. Rising fuel prices took the early lead over user fees and finished with a 60-40 majority in our informal poll. It seems you have your answer, Steve - although we doubt it's helping you sleep any easier at night.
For the complete breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
With avgas prices rising and technology moving forward, we're starting to hear a lot of doom-and-gloom predictions for the future of 100 low-lead. This week, we want to know your opinion on the matter.
How long do you think 100LL will be available?
(Click to answer.)
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