Question of the Week: The Most Important Factor in Choosing an FBO

Plenty of factors inluence your decision to choose one FBO over another. This week, AVweb wants to know which single factor has the greatest bearing on your choice. Plus: What level of success did you predict for air-taxi services in your responses to last week’s Question?


Last week, AVweb asked readers to gaze into their crystalballs and predict the future of VLJ air-taxi services. Most of yousaw sunny skies ahead for the new venture, which is thought by some tobe the future of commercial air travel - although 28% of you foresawhigh overhead and low interest clipping the air taxis' wings.

For a complete breakdown of last week's responses, click here.


Plenty of factors influence your decision to choose one FBO overanother. This week, AVweb wants to know which single factorhas the greatest bearing on your choice.

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