Question of the Week: The Top Aviation Story of 2007
It’s time to cast an eye backward over the past year and ask, What was the biggest aviation story of 2007? (If your nominee isn’t listed, don’t worry: We’ve set up a temporary address at where you can tell us your contenders.) Plus: What did AVweb readers choose as the next frontier for aviation?
Last week, we asked AVweb readers to peer once again into their crystal balls and make a guess as to aviation's next great frontier. Will personal flying devices like the jet pack put air travel in the hands of everyone - or will future aircraft be so complicated that only the professionals can afford the investment of time and money to learn to fly?
As it turns out, the readers who took time to respond to our query didn't foresee much change, predicting the current mix of G.A. and mass air travel will stay about the same for the immediate future. (We did, however, get some very thoughtfulletters on the subject.)
For the complete breakdown of answers,click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
It's time to cast an eye backward over the past year and ask, What was the biggest aviation story of 2007?
(If your nominee isn't listed, don't worry: We've set up a temporary address at where you can tell us your contenders.)
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