Question of the Week: The Top Aviation Story of the Coming Year
Running with last week’s theme (but switching gears a bit), we’d like to ask our readers to cast their predictions for the story that will shape 2008. What do you think will be the biggest aviation story of the coming year? (If your nominee isn’t listed, don’t worry: We’ve set up a (new) temporary address at where you can tell us your contenders.) Plus: What did AVweb readers pick as the top story of 2007?
Happy new year! Last week, we asked AVweb readers to cast their eye back over 2007 and tell us which single story had the greatest impact on aviation over the past 12 months.
A few of you pointed out stories that we'd completely overlooked or (just barely) decided not to include on our short list - things like the privatization of FSS, the Age 60 Rule being bumped up to the "Age 65 Rule," the growth of the very light jet market, and the commercial rollout of the Airbus A380. (Be sure to check out Monday's AVmail for a sampling of the great e-mails we received.)
But, when all was said and done, most of our respondents thought the ongoing battle over user fees was the top story of the year. (Although the disappearance of Steve Fossett was a close second.)
For the complete breakdown of answers,click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer, if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
Let's change gears a bit and ask, What do you think will be the biggest aviation story of the coming year?
If your nominee isn't listed, don't worry: We've set up a (new) temporary address at where you can tell us your contenders.
Have an idea for a new "Question of the Week"? Send your suggestions to .
This address isonly for suggested "QOTW" questions, and not for "QOTW" answers or comments.
Use this form to send "QOTW" comments to our AVmail Editor.