Question of the Week: Tougher Security … Fewer Passengers?
There are more checkpoints, procedures, delays, and red tape than ever involved in flying commercial. This week, we’d like to know if the hoops are changing your reliance on the airlines to get from Point A to Point B. Plus: Last week, we asked how much flying you plan to do in 2010; click through to see how AVweb readers answered.
Last week, we asked how much flying you plan to do in 2010.
Nearly half of you - 49% of those who took a moment to answer - said I'll just keep doing what I've always done. To our delight, the next most popular answer (accounting for another 20% of responses) came from readers who say they plan to take advantage of a calmer economy to fly a lot more. Could that be the sun we see breaking through the clouds of recession?
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here. (You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
There are more checkpoints, procedures, delays, and red tape than ever involved in flying commercial. This week, we'd like to know if the hoops are changing your reliance on the airlines to get from Point A to Point B.
Will increased airline security change your travel habits?
(click to answer)
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