Question of the Week: What Is the Legacy of Eclipse Aviation?

The incredible journey of Eclipse Aviation seems to be over, and now the speculation has begun on what it all meant. We’d like to hear your opinion. Plus: Last week, we asked AVweb readers if their friends and family think they’re rich because they fly; click through to see what the Rockefellers had to say for themselves.


If you're reading the newspapers or watching cable television, it might seem like everyone who flies has money to burn. Last week, we asked AVweb readers if they're thought of as wealthy by their friends, family, and peers.

The biggest segment of you (48%) gave the answer we expected - that your close friends understand the economics, but everyone else thinks it's a rich person's passion. Another 24% of you said that no one's mentioned it [you being fabulously wealthy], but I suspect they think that way.

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


The incredible journey of Eclipse Aviation seems to be over, and now the speculation has begun on what it all meant. We'd like to hear your opinion.

What is Eclipse's legacy?
(click to answer)

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