Question of the Week: What’s Your Reaction to the TSA’s Reported GA Security ‘Expansion’?

The TSA plans a “massive expansion” of security measures, many of which will affect GA flights into major airports. This week, we want to know how you would characterize the plan. Plus: What did AVweb readers think was the biggest story to come out of AirVenture 2008?


Last week, we asked AVweb readers which story out of EAA AirVenture 2008 was the biggest. To our surprise, 43% of those who responded said OTHER!

We thought our list of choices was pretty good, ranging from jet-pack mania to the leadership change at Eclipse, but apparently there were some big stories we didn't include on our list. Right behind OTHER, the most common response was the arrival of the SJ50 (formerly "The-Jet") from Cirus, followed closely by Vern Raburn's departure from Eclipse.

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


The TSA plans a "massive expansion" of security measures, many of which will affect GA flights into major airports. This week, we want to know how you would characterize the plan.

The TSA's reported plan for GA security is [fill in the blank].
(Click "fill in the blank" to answer.)

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