Question of the Week: Your Air Show 2009 Plans
Air show season is upon us, and this year we’d like to know which shows are part of your travel plans. Plus: Last week, in the wake of several VLJ announcements, we asked AVweb readers if there are still too many of these “personal jets” vying for space in an increasingly tough aviation market; click through to see how your fellow readers answered.
Last week, in the wake of several VLJ announcements, we asked AVweb readers if there are still too many of these "personal jets" vying for space in an increasingly tough aviation market.
A small segment of those who responded (only 10%) said there's no market, and manufacturers should stop wasting their time and money. A strong majority of you, however, thought there's room for a few, although there will be more shakeout before things settle down. (This accounted for 60% of those who answered last week's questions.)
For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)
Air show season is upon us, and this year we'd like to know which shows are part of your travel plans.
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