Question of the Week: Your Preference in IFR Approach Charts

This week, AVweb wants to hear what kind of charts you prefer to carry with you in the cockpit – paper or electronic? FAA or Jeppesen? Plus: Results of last week’s Question on how you pay for your avgas.


Last week, AVweb asked readers how they typically pay for their aviation fuel purchases.

To no one's surprise, credit cards are by far the most popular method of payment, accounting for over 90% of the fuel purchases made by those who responded to our question - and over half of you told us the card you use to pay for fuel is a standard VISA, MasterCard, or other major credit card, not necessarily one co-branded by an aviation organization or specialist club.

For a complete breakdown of answers,click here.
A full-length story comparing aviation credit cards will appear in an upcoming issue of our sister publication
Aviation Consumer.  (If you'd like to read the full story, you can subscribe to Aviation Consumer atthis link.)


This week, AVweb wants to hear what kind of charts you prefer to carry with you in the cockpit - paper or electronic? FAA or Jeppesen?

Have an idea for a new QOTW? Send your suggestions

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