Question of the Week: Your Trade Show Plans for 2009

Last week, we asked which air shows were on your schedule for 2009. This week, we want to shift away from the just-for-fun trips and look at the business and trade shows on your calendar. Plus: See which air shows were most popular with your fellow AVweb readers in last week’s poll.


Last week, we asked which air shows you'll be attending (or have already attended) this year.

To no one's surprise, the most popular single event is EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh (barely a week away!). 26% of those who responded said they'd only be attending one show this year, and AirVenture is the one. A slightly larger segement of respondents (28%) told us they won't be attending the big shows we listed (AirVenture, Sun 'n Fun, Arlington, and Copperstate), but they will go to others. Sadly, no one told us they'd be attending all four of the big shows we named!

For a complete (real-time) breakdown of reader responses, click here.
(You may be asked to register and answer if you haven't already participated in this poll.)


Last week, we asked which air shows were on your schedule for 2009. This week, we want to shift away from the just-for-fun trips and look at the business and trade shows on your calendar.

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