AVmail: Aug. 16, 2004

Reader mail this week about trying to find “Southern Canada,” President Bush’s visit to Eclipse and more.

Where is "Southern Canada"?

In reference to the Canadian ballooning accident reported this in this week's AVweb (NewsWire, Aug. 9) ...Being as Canada is just about exactly the same width as the U.S. ("Sea to Shining Sea" about covers it), would American readers accept a news story that said a balloon accident occurred this week at some nebulous and unspecified location somewhere in the "Southern U.S.A."? Betcha not!As a former journalist myself, I have found if short of details, better to hold the story until clear, than proceed in a trivializing or dismissive fashion, as happened here.Thanks for considering my suggestion. I do appreciate what you do and hope only that you receive this constructively.Lorne Moore

Collision at Caldwell

I believe that your brief mention of the accident in North Jersey is essentially incorrect (NewsWire, Aug. 9). It has not been determined as to the exact cause of the accident, but neither plane was anywhere near Caldwell, and certainly not in the pattern. The collision occurred some 7 to 8 miles away in Kinnelon, N.J.Thought you would like to know. Thanks.Emery Dupuis


In our recent story about President Bush visiting the Eclipse factory (NewsWire, Aug. 12), we incorrectly quoted him when he mentioned his last visit to Eclipse; that visit was in 2000. Thanks to some observant readers for catching it.

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