AVmail: January 27, 2003

Reader mail this week about personal jets, the upcoming Hawaiian race, student pilot errors and more.

AVweb's Question of the Week -- Personal Jet Aircraft

I look at personal jets like I do the concept of personal helicopters ("One in every driveway"): The biggest hazzard to flying since the introduction of the surface-to-air missile. Davis Newman

Great Flying, Hawaiian Style

I was a bit upset by your reference in the story about flying in Hawaii about getting ready for a good lei. This is obviously a crude attempt at sexual humor, and I don't feel that it has any place in an aviation story. I'm not a Victorian, but I am a Christian and I would like to be able to read some publications without all the sexual talk that seems to be in every other venue. I subscribe to your service for aviation news, not silly jokes about sex.I appreciate your time and hope that this will not be the norm for your publication. Thank you.Brian Waddell

AVweb responds ...

There are many places one can get aviation news -- we try to be different by including humor, a bit of irreverence, and a fresh perspective. We hope that humorous allusions to sexuality, as well as to many other aspects of life, bring a smile to our readers' day. We can't please all readers all of the time, but we try to get most of them most of the time. Sorry we missed the mark for you.

Kevin Lane-Cummings
Features Editor

Great Flying, Hawaiian Style

The recent AVweb article titled, "Great Flying, Hawaiian Style," depicts a disturbing scene to come. Having been a former Maui resident a few years back, I was curious why, of all places, The Great Hawaiian Air Race decided on Hana to hold their air show?! Hana, Maui is nearly pristine (and quite beautiful); access is severely limited; and proper places to congregate en masse are few and far between.This is a place of solitude and refuge from the same type of insensitive paparazzi which will be attending your gala air show.Bill Strangman

Student Pilot Lands At Andrews AFB

I was A.O. [Aerodrome Officer] at Andrews in '71 when an unannounced light plane landed on the CLOSED runway which was 90 degrees from the actives. AF ONE [Air Force One] was on take-off at the time and had to steepen his departure plan to avoid the "intruder".I went down to bring the culprits back to Base Ops -- they were a grandpa and his granddaughter. He thought he was landing at a private field about 9 miles south. He never saw AF ONE!!Phil Norton

Don Brown's Columns

Where the heck are they? They were the best thing about your service. Paul Fogel

AVweb responds ...

As we've said, we're working hard to get all the columns and articles moved onto our new computer system. All of Don's columns will be here, along with all the other columns and articles you remember (and those you forgot, too.) Your enthusiasm (and patience) is appreciated!

Kevin Lane-Cummings
Features Editor