AVmail: June 15, 2009

Letter of the Week: National Security Has anyone suggested that transient pilots be offered a national pass so they may use all of the airports listed to alleviate this bottleneck to pilots and airport officials? By “national pass,” I mean the individual pilot would be submitted to a background check, including fingerprinting, and if the pilot passed, he or she would be issued a document to come and go at will. I am a corporate pilot who has to go to many different airports, and to be required to get the ID badges they mention seems ridiculous. I did the procedure to gain access to the “DC 3” airports, and it seems like the right idea to solve this act. James Galbraith Click through to read the rest of this week’s letters.

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Letter of the Week: National Security

Has anyone suggested that transient pilots be offered a national pass so they may use all of the airports listed to alleviate this bottleneck to pilots and airport officials? By "national pass," I mean the individual pilot would be submitted to a background check, including fingerprinting, and if the pilot passed, he or she would be issued a document to come and go at will. I am a corporate pilot who has to go to many different airports, and to be required to get the ID badges they mention seems ridiculous.

I did the procedure to gain access to the "DC 3" airports, and it seems like the right idea to solve this act.

James Galbraith

Ramp Check

David Perry's ramp check at Long Beach is chilling. My hope is that GA, primarily the press, will push the government for its justification to treat an average GA pilot as a suspected felon without stating any probable cause.

Steve Gorman

I have been reading about the ramp checks, and I can't help wondering: "Where is the land of the free?" This kind of behavior was what you would expect to see only in the 1940s Russia and Germany, for example. These countries don't seem to use these methods any more. Where is this leading to?

John Watson

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