AVmail: June 2, 2008
Reader mail this week about redundant read-backs, leaden LSAs, absent avgas and more.
Taxi Instructions
If the idea of relaying those instructions came from anyone less than the grey, FAA top end (AVwebFlash, May 20), it would have been either email or text direct to the cockpit to improve retention and verify correct information before the "send" key depression. Only the elderly still think voice is a great idea in a cluttered environment. Read-back then is right in front of the sender.C. F. Ward
Is LSA Attracting New Pilots?
I was just talking with a CFI last night and he brought up a good point. There is a limited supply of time-proven LSA planes; many are new designs. This is causing problems in finding instructors willing to teach in them and issues with obtaining insurance.The Cessna C150 series has an excellent safety record and meets all LSA requirements except the weight. More pilots have earned their ticket in the C150 series than any other aircraft.Since the LSA ticket was created to encourage more new student pilots, and many flight schools already have a C150 series in their fleet, should the weight requirement for LSA be increased to allow aircraft such as the C150 series and other aircraft?Rick Martin
Avgas Supplies In Europe
I have just received the following from my FBO here in the U.K. Is this the beginning of avgas fuel restrictions and a way for the fuel companies to increase the cost of avgas even more?
Dear Operator,I write to inform you that, due to severe supply problems of avgas from Shell, we have no option other than to issue a NOTAM, effective as of close of day, that visiting aircraft will be unable to purchase any avgas from Oxford Airport.We also kindly request that operators only purchase fuel that is necessary for that particular journey. We are pursuing every avenue, along with Shell, to secure alternative supplies, but as other airports are also experiencing similar problems, we cannot guarantee that we shall have any other deliveries until possibly Tuesday/Wednesday next week.We shall keep you updated as best we can but unless we can get additional supplies from somewhere within the next 24 hours, there is a possibility that we shall run out of avgas until the Shell delivery next week.
Mike Libra
Grumman from Marathon to Exuma
This story (Short Final, May 26) reminds me of one of my flights in Florida some 30+ years ago, in which I would swear I triggered lightning, and maybe precipitation. Night IFR, in and out of cumulus buildups in a Mooney M20D, when suddenly there was lightning all around me. The lightning continued behind me for several minutes. I wonder if this Cheetah might have had the same effect on his weather.Mac Hayes
As a professional pilot, I find it absolutely appalling that you would publish such a story as the Short Final excerpt. The fact that Mr. Marathon would even submit his account is surprising, but the fact that your publication endorsed such actions, in a failed attempt at humor, is disappointing to say the least. The damage has been done, however, and I hope that a young, aspiring pilot doesn't take this story to mean that he can get away with flying through a violent thunderstorm, only to end up in an accidents column of another publication.I hope you consider the possible consequences of publishing such [things] in future editions of your newsletter.Travis Faudree
A Pilot's History: Chap. 9
Hello Carl,I am thoroughly enjoying your story (Skywritings, May 29). I learned to fly in the '50s from a former Hump pilot. I was employed as a pilot in the late '50s and early '60s. You and my former boss have helped make aviation what it is today. Your contribution and that of others like you is not recognized enough. I thank you and your kind for that contribution.I also flew for a small airline that employed a number of Zantop C46 pilots who also flew the DEW line. Great stories from them alsoSide note: When I took my ATP ride in Detroit, I had to shoot a low-frequency-range approach, as there was still one in operation in Windsor, Canada, across the river. Probably the last guy in the Midwest to have to do one ... it was decommissioned a week later.It is mind-boggling to think how far aviation has come in the length of your career.Thanks again for a great story and helping me relive fond memories.Dave Shattler