Scott Crossfield’s Awards and Recognitions

A special supplement to AVweb’s profile of Scott Crossfield.

Raymond Gray ScholarshipUnion Pacific Railroad, 1939
Naval AviatorUnited States Navy, 1942
Tau Beta PiUniversity of Washington, 1948
Sigma XiUniversity of Washington, 1949
Lawrence Sperry Award, "for important contributions in aeronautical flight research at transonic and supersonic speeds up to Mach 2"Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, 1954
Octave Chanute Award, "for extended and significant contributions to the knowledge of human factors involved in flight at extremely high speeds and altitudes"Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, 1954
Leadership AwardNational Management Association, 1958
Flight Achievement Award, "Presented Annually to the Pilot or Crew, who, by outstanding ability and courage, has personally extended the frontiers of flight from earth's environs into space"American Astronautics Society, 1959
Man of the Year in Flight AwardAir Force Association, California Wing, 1959
Special Aviation Award "To persons who through their individual effort in civilian enterprise promote aviation"Civil Air Patrol Cadets of Southern Area, 1960
A.R.S. Astronautics AwardAmerican Rocket Society, Andrew G. Haley Endowment, 1960
Ivan C. Kincheloe Award for "Outstanding Development and Flight Testing of the X-15"Society of Experimental Test Pilots, 1960
Pilot of the Year AwardState of Idaho, 1960
Award of CommendationCounty of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, 1960
Honorary Mayor of WestchesterWestchester, Calif. Chamber of Commerce, 1959 and 1960
Soaring Pilot of the YearSouthern California Soaring Association, 1960
Achievement AwardNational Aviation Club, 1960
Internantional Clifford B. Harmon Trophy "World's Outstanding Aviator" with Walker and WhiteClifford B. Harmon Committee (presented by President John F. Kennedy at the White House), 1961
David C. Schilling AwardAir Force Association, 1961
Award for AchievementNational Aeronautics Association, 1961
Man of the Year AwardFlying Physicians Association, 1961
Godfry Cabot AwardAero Club of New England, 1961
Pilot of the Year AwardInternation Order of Characters, 1961
"The First Pioneer of the Space Age"Mira Costa Hig School Yearbook "Hoofprints" dedication, 1961
John J. Montgomery AwardNational Society of Aerospace Professionals, 1962
Collier Trophy, 1961National Aeronautics Association, National Aviation Club Collier Committee (presented by President John F. Kennedy at the White House), 1962
Aerospace Museum Charter Award and Portrait in the Hall of FameAerospace Museum, International Aerospace Hall of Fame, 1963
Outstanding Contribution to Quality ControlAmerican Society for Quality Control, 1967
Kitty Hawk Memorial AwardCity of Los Angeles, 1969
Aero Club AwardAero Club of Buffalo, N.Y., 1971
Good Scout AwardBoy Scouts of America, Greater New York Councils, 1973
Certificate of AchievementNational Space Club, 1976
Raymond E. Tenhoff Award for Best Technical PaperSociety of Experimental Test Pilots, 1978
Outstanding Program AwardExperimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 4, 1979
Distinguished Service to Sport AviationExperimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 186, 1979
Ira C. Eaker Historica FellowshipIron Gate Chapter of the Air Force Association for the Aerospace Education Foundation, Nov., 1982, and at New York, March 19, 1983
Honorary Doctor of Science DegreeFlorida Institute of Technology, Science Degree Dec., 1982
Portrait and Honorary Life Membership, First Flight SocietyFirst Flight Society of Kittyhawk, North Carolina, December 17, 1982
Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding and Dedicated ServiceExperimental Aircraft Association, 1982
National Aviation Hall of Fame EnshrineeNational Aviation Hall of Fame, Inc., July, 1983
A. J. Engel AwardWestern Reserve Historical Society Aviation Hall of Fame, Sept., 1983
Elder Statesman of AviationNational Aeronautic Association Aero Club of Washington, 1983
Meritorious Service to AviationNational Business Aircraft Association, 1984
Certificate of CommendationCity of Los Angeles, June, 1985
Aerospace Education Leadership AwardCivil Air Patrol Center for Aerospace Education Development, 1985
Distinguished AlumnusDepartment of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Washington, May, 1986
AIAA Distinguished LecturerAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1987-1988-1989
Honorary MemberCivil Air Patrol, 1987
Crown Circle AwardNational Congress on Aviation and Space Education, 1988
A. Scott Crossfield Elementary SchoolExcellentiae Gratia Resolution of Fairfax County School Board, 1988
Bernt Balchin TrophyNew York State Air Force Association, 1988
International Space Hall of FameSpace Center, Alamogordo, NM, 1988
Honorary Fighter AceThe American Fighter Aces Association, 1990
Glenn A. Gilbert Memorial AwardAir Traffic Control Association, 1990
Aerospace Walk of HonorCity of Lancaster, Calif., 1990
Distinguished Service MedalNew Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame & Museum, 1992
Distinguished Achievement Award "For Outstanding Accomplishments in the Fields of Aviation and Astronautics"The Wings Club, New York, NY, 1992
Distinguished Public Service Medal, "50 years contribution, visionary advice, and council"National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1993
Certificate of Appreciation: In recognition of outstanding contributions to aviation and significant support to modernize the nation's Air Traffic Control SystemFederal Aviation Administration, 1993
Appreciation for knowledge and experience in aviation and engineering, contributions to sound aviation policies, and foresight to set in motion plans for 21st Century aerospace transportationHouse of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, & Technology, 1993
Honorary Member of the Order of DaedaliansOrder of Daedalians, Little Rock, Ark. June, 1993
Commissioned as Honorary Colonel in the Confederate Air ForceConfederate Air Force, Inc. December, 1993
FAI Gold Air MedalFederation Aeronautique Internationale, Sun City, South Africa, October 1995
1996 Wernher von Braun Space Flight TrophyNational Space Club, Huntsville, Ala., Oct 1996
Aerospace Laureate for 1997Aviation Week & Space Technology National Air & Space Museum, Washington, D.C. April 1998
Civil Air Patrol Proclamation Announcing A. Scott Crossfield Aerospace Education AwardNational Commander, CAP August 1998
1998 Pathfinder Award for Engineering and FlightNorthwest Chapter of AIAA andMuseum of Flight, Seattle, Wash., October, 1998
Virginia Aviation Hall of FameVirginia Aeronautical Historical Society, Richmond, VA, Nov., 1998
First A. Scott Crossfield Aerospace Master Educator AwardCivil Air Patrol, National Congress of Air & Space Education, April, 1999
Ray Lien Award for Aviation Education ExcellenceInternational Sport Aviation Museum and Sun N Fun, April, 1999
AIAA Honorary FellowAIAA, Washington, D.C., May, 1999
Glenn L. Martin Medal for Outstanding AchievementUniversity of Maryland Aerospace Engineering, November 2000
National Air & Space Museum Lifetime Achievement AwardNASM, Smithsonian Institution,Lifetime Achievement Award, November, 2000
Honorary FellowAerospace Medical Association
Honorary FellowAmerican Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
FellowInstitute of Aerospace Sciences
Fellow, Past Executive Advisor, Past President, East Coast Section Co-founder, Charter MemberSociety of Experimental Test Pilots
Honorary MemberExperimental Aircraft Association
Honorary MemberFlying Physicians Association
Honorary MemberOrder of Daedalians
Honorary MemberAmerican Fighter Aces Association
Member, several includingNational Aviation Hall of Fame, First Flight Society, Air Force Association, Stearman Alumnus Club, Mustang Pilot Society (Charter), OX-5 Club
Governor Emeritus & Past PresidentNational Aviation Club, Washington, D.C.
Committee MemberCalifornia Museum Foundation, Aviation and Space Historical Preservation Committee
ChairmanA. Scott Crossfield Aerospace Teacher of the Year Award, Congress of Aerospace Education
Who's Who in America1960
International Who's Who1960
American Men of Science1962
Leading Men in the U.S.1963
Current Biography1969
Who's Who in Aviation1973
Who's Who in the South East1974
Who's Who Honor Society of America1975
Who's Who in the World1995