Short Final

Maybe this is only funny to those of us who live here, but here it is anyway. The other day, I was buzzing around over the east side of Wichita when I heard this: Wichita Approach:“Bizjet 123, maintain 3,500. Departing traffic from Jabara and Beech Field.” Bizjet 123:“3,500 for 123. You guys sure have a lot of airports around here!” Wichita Approach:“Well, Wichita is known as the Air Capitol.” Bizjet 123:“Really? I didn’t realize that!” My Co-Pilot:facepalm John “Dizzy” Phuntvia e-mail

Maybe this is only funny to those of us who live here, but here it is anyway. The other day, I was buzzing around over the east side of Wichita when I heard this:

Wichita Approach:
"Bizjet 123, maintain 3,500. Departing traffic from Jabara and Beech Field."

Bizjet 123:
"3,500 for 123. You guys sure have a lot of airports around here!"

Wichita Approach:
"Well, Wichita is known as the Air Capitol."

Bizjet 123:
"Really? I didn't realize that!"

My Co-Pilot:

John "Dizzy" Phunt
via e-mail