Short Final

Navy basic training: A normally outstanding student was having a bad day. Keying the intercom by mistake, he said, “Sorry, sir, I am all #$@*^! up.” An immediate reply came back: “Station using profanity, please identify yourself!” The instructor instantaneously answered, “He may be #$@*^! up, but not that #$@*^! up!” Charles Thomvia e-mail

Navy basic training:

A normally outstanding student was having a bad day. Keying the intercom by mistake, he said, "Sorry, sir, I am all #$@*^! up."

An immediate reply came back: "Station using profanity, please identify yourself!"

The instructor instantaneously answered, "He may be #$@*^! up, but not that #$@*^! up!"

Charles Thom
via e-mail