Short Final

As an AIM AIR missionary pilot flying in South Sudan, listening in on Juba International Airport’s frequency can provide a few minutes of eye-watering laughs. It is a completely non-radar environment, and all position reports are by radial and DME. Everyone, from the British Airways flights transiting overhead to our small bush airplanes, all share the common frequency. Last year, I heard this exchange between a Kenya Airways jet and the tower controller after he was done handling half a dozen other aircraft: Juba:“Kenya 543, please state your position.” Kenya 543:“Juba, we are on the ground.” Juba (rapidly) :“Confirm on the ground!” Kenya 543:“Yes, sir. On the ground.” Juba (pausing) :“Roger. Vacate via taxiway Bravo. Over to the marshaler.” Needless to say, my confidence in their traffic separation abilities went way up! Jerry Hurdvia e-mail

As an AIM AIR missionary pilot flying in South Sudan, listening in on Juba International Airport's frequency can provide a few minutes of eye-watering laughs. It is a completely non-radar environment, and all position reports are by radial and DME. Everyone, from the British Airways flights transiting overhead to our small bush airplanes, all share the common frequency.

Last year, I heard this exchange between a Kenya Airways jet and the tower controller after he was done handling half a dozen other aircraft:

"Kenya 543, please state your position."

Kenya 543:
"Juba, we are on the ground."

Juba (rapidly) :
"Confirm on the ground!"

Kenya 543:
"Yes, sir. On the ground."

Juba (pausing) :
"Roger. Vacate via taxiway Bravo. Over to the marshaler."

Needless to say, my confidence in their traffic separation abilities went way up!

Jerry Hurd
via e-mail