Short Final
Overheard during a very, very rough ride out of Newark last week: Center:“Airliner 123, how is your ride?” Airliner 123:“The rides are crap.” [momentary pause] Airliner 123:“I’m sorry. That was unprofessional of me. The rides are unsatisfactory.” Center:“Your first description was acceptable.” Rob Nabieszkovia e-mail
Overheard during a very, very rough ride out of Newark last week:
"Airliner 123, how is your ride?"
Airliner 123:
"The rides are crap."
[momentary pause]
Airliner 123:
"I'm sorry. That was unprofessional of me. The rides are unsatisfactory."
"Your first description was acceptable."
Rob Nabieszko
via e-mail

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