Short Final

We had lost our autopilot and advised the local ATC controller in the Kyrgyz Republic that we were not RVSM-compliant. This prompted the following exchange: Aircraft 1234 (us) :“Aircraft 1234, Osh control. State nature of the problem?” Osh Control:“Osh Control, Aircraft 1234. We have lost our autopilot.” [long pause] Osh Control:“Aircraft 1234, which pilot doesn’t work?” Karl Vogelheimvia e-mail

We had lost our autopilot and advised the local ATC controller in the Kyrgyz Republic that we were not RVSM-compliant. This prompted the following exchange:

Aircraft 1234 (us) :
"Aircraft 1234, Osh control. State nature of the problem?"

Osh Control:
"Osh Control, Aircraft 1234. We have lost our autopilot."

[long pause]

Osh Control:
"Aircraft 1234, which pilot doesn't work?"

Karl Vogelheim
via e-mail