Short Final
This happened just three days ago, during instrument training, while copying and reading back a clearance for only the second time ever. Clearance Delivery (after I’d read back my clearance correctly) :“Readback correct. What runway, and how long?” Me:“Runway 03, and it’s 4,200 feet long.” I can only imagine what the controller said at that time. My instructor keyed in immediately to clear things up. Brian Smithvia e-mail
This happened just three days ago, during instrument training, while copying and reading back a clearance for only the second time ever.
Clearance Delivery (after I'd read back my clearance correctly) :
"Readback correct. What runway, and how long?"
"Runway 03, and it's 4,200 feet long."
I can only imagine what the controller said at that time. My instructor keyed in immediately to clear things up.
Brian Smith
via e-mail
Ed. Note: We've had more than our usual share of chuckles from "Short Final" entries these last couple of weeks, but it's rare that pilots - even student pilots - 'fess up to being the culprits in the telling.

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