Short Final
Flying my 172 near McGuire Air Force Base on Sunday, VFR with flight following from McGuire Approach. Two Air Force DC-10 tankers were practicing approaches as I flew by, and I offered to climb to stay out of their way. The controller asked me to climb and maintain 2,500 feet. Approach:“TAC 1, turn left, heading 330. Intercept the ILS 24, maintain 2,000′ until established. Traffic is a 172 above you at 2,500′. Caution: wake turbulence.” (Silence on the frequency. Did I hear right?) TAC 1:“Ahhh, Approach — say again the traffic?” Approach (a new voice) :“TAC 1, disregard wake turbulence warning. Cleared for the approach.” Me in my 172:“McGuire, 4RP. Why did you cancel the other guy’s wake turbulence warning? You just made my day!” Approach:“Sorry about that, but I had to. I’m the only one here who can talk right now we’re all laughing so hard!” Rabbi Don WeberMorganville, NJ
Flying my 172 near McGuire Air Force Base on Sunday, VFR with flight following from McGuire Approach. Two Air Force DC-10 tankers were practicing approaches as I flew by, and I offered to climb to stay out of their way. The controller asked me to climb and maintain 2,500 feet.
"TAC 1, turn left, heading 330. Intercept the ILS 24, maintain 2,000' until established. Traffic is a 172 above you at 2,500'. Caution: wake turbulence."
(Silence on the frequency. Did I hear right?)
TAC 1:
"Ahhh, Approach -- say again the traffic?"
Approach (a new voice) :
"TAC 1, disregard wake turbulence warning. Cleared for the approach."
Me in my 172:
"McGuire, 4RP. Why did you cancel the other guy's wake turbulence warning? You just made my day!"
"Sorry about that, but I had to. I'm the only one here who can talk right now we're all laughing so hard!"
Rabbi Don Weber
Morganville, NJ