Short Final
I heard this while returning from Texas: Piper Pilot (with a thick southern drawl) :“Sahv, Centah, Ah believe Ah’m a-fixin’ to cancel mah IFR flaght plannn.” Center:“Are you just ‘fixin’ to,’ or are you going to cancel it?” Piper Pilot:“Ah believe Ah’m a-goin’ to cancel it about now.” Center:“Roger. Squawk VFR.” Ron CizekOmaha, Nebraska
I heard this while returning from Texas:
Piper Pilot (with a thick southern drawl) :
"Sahv, Centah, Ah believe Ah'm a-fixin' to cancel mah IFR flaght plannn."
"Are you just 'fixin' to,' or are you going to cancel it?"
Piper Pilot:
"Ah believe Ah'm a-goin' to cancel it about now."
"Roger. Squawk VFR."
Ron Cizek
Omaha, Nebraska

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