Short Final

While I was waiting for departure clearance, a student pilot was departing on a parallel runway and was cleared to cross my intended departure flight path. Concerned of a possible collision, he was maintaining healthy climb. Tower:“Skycatcher 12345: While your climb performance is impressive, I would remind you that Class B Airspace starts at 3,000 feet.” [A long silence followed.] Skycatcher 12345:“Skycatcher 12345 leveling out at 2,500 feet.” Michael Landgrafvia e-mail

While I was waiting for departure clearance, a student pilot was departing on a parallel runway and was cleared to cross my intended departure flight path. Concerned of a possible collision, he was maintaining healthy climb.

"Skycatcher 12345: While your climb performance is impressive, I would remind you that Class B Airspace starts at 3,000 feet."

[A long silence followed.]

Skycatcher 12345:
"Skycatcher 12345 leveling out at 2,500 feet."

Michael Landgraf
via e-mail