Short Final

Departing IFR out of KTOA; handed off to Socal Departure after take-off. Cardinal:“Good morning, Socal Departure. Cardinal 177VA is climbing through 700 for 3,000.” Departure:“Cardinal 177VA, Socal. Please ident, and be advised the tower said your gear was still down.” Cardinal:“That’s a good thing. This is a fixed-gear Cardinal!” Stephen Feldmanvia e-mail

Departing IFR out of KTOA; handed off to Socal Departure after take-off.

"Good morning, Socal Departure. Cardinal 177VA is climbing through 700 for 3,000."

"Cardinal 177VA, Socal. Please ident, and be advised the tower said your gear was still down."

"That's a good thing. This is a fixed-gear Cardinal!"

Stephen Feldman
via e-mail