Short Final

Years ago, I had an interesting ATC encounter in Washington airspace that I think would be humorous to your readers of “Short Final.” While flying my RV-4 in the narrow VFR slot between the old Washington ADIZ and the expanded Camp David TFR, I lost my GPS. Without a VOR, I contacted Wash. Center. The call went as follows: N1234 (me):“Washington Center, N1234.” Center:“N1234, go ahead.” N1234:“I’ve lost all nav aids over Frederick, and I’m concerned that I will violate airspace and cause a little excitement. Please give me vectors to keep me out of trouble.” Center:“No worries. Everyone is targeting you.” Bruce MacInnesvia e-mail

Years ago, I had an interesting ATC encounter in Washington airspace that I think would be humorous to your readers of "Short Final." While flying my RV-4 in the narrow VFR slot between the old Washington ADIZ and the expanded Camp David TFR, I lost my GPS. Without a VOR, I contacted Wash. Center. The call went as follows:

N1234 (me):
"Washington Center, N1234."

"N1234, go ahead."

"I've lost all nav aids over Frederick, and I'm concerned that I will violate airspace and cause a little excitement. Please give me vectors to keep me out of trouble."

"No worries. Everyone is targeting you."

Bruce MacInnes
via e-mail